I am NOT available... It's been a Pleasant Journey!

But, I haven't
done that
since the
4th of July, 2024.
Insight Global/Peraton/Federal Reserve: BI WebFOCUS SME
♦ This is a One Year contract, July 3 2023 to July 4 2024​ ♦
WebFOCUS Doug: My Focal Point Posts
WebFOCUS Business Intelligence & Support at its finest
♦ Yes, I Can Do That In WebFOCUS! ♦
My Summary
I've been providing custom MIS and BI-Rich Solutions for over forty years to more than two dozen clients in various industries using the latest or current releases of WebFOCUS and associated technologies.
I enjoy the satisfaction that my clients have with the solutions I provide to them, a well-balanced combination of their requirements and my expertise using all the functionality provided in the WebFOCUS Suite, from Information Builders / TIBCO, and all associated technologies to ensure their success.
However, Forty-One years of BI Development, using The Great FOCUS / WebFOCUS is enough for me.
I am enjoying the Best Independence Day Ever... I retired as of Independence Day 2024.
I have concentrated my career on the FOCUS / WebFOCUS platforms to ensure successful design, development, and implementation of all BI Rich Applications. My BI / FOCUS career started when I was the sole Applications Developer of IRMS, the Information Resource Management System, while at Northrop/Grumman Aerospace Corporation.
IRMS was developed at the request of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) in record time and significantly under budget.